Industry News
Direct impact of fine fibers on paper properties

Native fine fibers:

1. The content of coniferous wood chemical pulp is very low, and its impact on the physical properties of the paper is relatively small;

2. In hardwood pulp, vessel elements can cause hair loss issues;

3. Various miscellaneous cells in straw pulp, such as thin-walled cells, ducts, sieve tubes, etc., are also prone to hair loss problems, and contain a large amount of small fibers that make the paper brittle;

Secondary fibers of chemical pulp:

1. Similar to the fine fibers of mechanical pulp, it has a large specific surface area and contains more free hydroxyl groups, which is beneficial for the bonding between fibers.

2. The secondary fibers of general pulp can improve the bonding strength between paper fibers.

3. Small fibers, due to their large specific surface area and large number of particles per unit mass, can increase the light scattering coefficient of the paper, thereby improving the optical properties of the paper.